Monday, August 31, 2009

come see my first fine art show and sale!

Please visit the official smART show website for more information. I will be showing my work in studio 214. Hope to see you there!


Joan Y said...

TOTAL AND UTTER AWESOMENESS! Congratulations Kate. I am thrilled beyond belief for you! I'll be there in spirit. :)

Kathleen Rietz said...

Thank you Joan! I know you will!

Caio Fern said...

good to see that there is more people recognising your talent .

Rhonda Cady said...

I am so happy and excited for you, Kate and I cannot wait to attend the show!

studio lolo said...

Wow, so many artists!!!
You've really branched out this past year Kate. Good for you!!

best of luck in the show ;)

jeff said...

Je découvre votre blog et je trouve que vos dessins de nus, natures mortes sont réellement superbes ! J'ai beau essayer moi-même de faire du dessin... mais je n'arrive pas à cette qualité !
Sorry for my "english" ! ! !...-)
Votre blog est magnifique ! I'll come back !
Ciao e arrivederci !...;-)

Ces Adorio said...

I wish I was I was there!