Thursday, August 6, 2009

morning nude


Joan Y said...

Absolutely spectacular Kate. I think you and your moleskine were made for each other! The shading is awesome. I love it!

James Parker said...

Howdy, Kate. Haven't been by for a while, and see that your work is just marvelous as usual. I must admit I appreciate the female form much more than a clove of garlic. Drop by for a "Just for Fun" blog that should give you a chuckle or two.

GMB97 said...

You are absolutely amazing Kate. I truly adore you. I love starting my day looking at your artwork. Keep up the great work.



Phyllis Harris said...

This one's my favorite of the three! The shading is gorgeous! Congratulations on the art show, too!

Kathleen Rietz said...

Thanks everyone. I will be refining the other 2, Phyllis. I did not intend to do a series with the first one, but then it developed that way. I tried to be loose with the first...but my style is really much more refined. So it goes...

Dean Grey said...

Of all the three female nudes you recently posted this one is the strongest and my most favorite.

The female almost disappears into the shadows or is she appearing from out of the shadows? Hmmmm.....

In any case, another strong pencil drawing from you, Kate!


linda cardina said...

this is my favorite, kate! looking forward to the next. i want to hear more about your show...congratulations! that is great news!

Lindsey said...

You know, among the three of these, they actually progress. They get better in both texture and lighting. You are my hero in so many indescribable ways.

nanke's stuff said...

All of these drawings are just gorgeous, but I agree - I like the third one the best, too. Well done - as usual! nancy

Carolina said...

This one's my favorite so far...

Unknown said...

I love this picture. Just beautiful.