Monday, October 13, 2008

Welcome to my new Moleskine Sketch Blog!

"A Lovely Pair"
"Red Glazed Bowl"
quick study of limes
a mosaic coaster I made in 2003 and drew in 2008
loose study of limes and tomato using a wide graphite stick


Joan Y said...

I'm so glad to have been there that momentous occasion you bought your moleskine! I am ecstatic about the drawings you've done so far! Like I've said, I love the way it takes your delicate pencil lines. Really beautiful. Plus, now I know someone as obsessed as I am about them!

RyanLoghry said...

Hey Kate, I don't know if my post came through or not, if so, please disregard this one.

Excellent work as usual Kate. I think it was a great idea to create a seperate blog for your moleskine sketch book work too, keeping your beautiful illustration work seperate.

Fannie said...

Excellent, Kate! I sketch in Moleskine too. ;-D

Very beautiful! Excelent values.

renee said...

wow, i love these. i especially love the potato one. your pencils are beautiful. nice.

Kimmi said...

As I always say...Girlfriend you are good!


Genine said...

these are gorgeous, I love how you illustrate light and shadow!

studio lolo said...

I'm thrilled that you've started a Moleskine! You really have a way with the pencil. Wow!

imwithsully said...

Yay! You finally decided to post pics of the Moleskine. Very nice work.

Anonymous said...

That's it, you've made me want to go back to pencil, and just as I was making a foray into inks! I'm just awestruck by all your work, you've got some lucky students!

Hidrargirista said...

Really fabulous. I have no words to express how I fell when I see your papers.
